How do you know if the person is intelligent?(How does an intelligent person behave?How does he learn?)

Intelligence varies from different people.It is a broad aspect wherein a person may showcase different kinds and level of intelligence. It is not one dimensional, meaning , it does not focus merely on one aspect of learning or even to how high a persons IQ level is or about how the person functions cognitively. It is multi dimensional which also affects  the behavior of a person, his emotions as well as how he reacts with a certain stimuli .

According to Howard Gardner, he states that ” …intelligence is the ability to solve problems to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings” Thereby the intelligence of a person is also affected by the environmental factors and because of it, it comes in many forms.There are nine types of intelligence according to the latter. One person may acquire 2 or more. Nevertheless, this only means that our brain has the capability to function different cognitive abilities that may affect a person’s perspective and his ability to learn and think critically.

People who are intelligent, in general, has common characteristics or traits. According to , the following are qualities which are common among intelligent people.

  1. They are highly adaptable

An intelligent person can adapt to any situation and can take control of their own behavior in order to cope efficiently and effectively.

2.They understand how much they don’t know.

A person who knows his restrictions and limits reveals that they are not afraid to admit it thereby  showing a humble attitude.

3.They have insatiable thirst for curiosity.

Whenever I teach my students a Science lesson, I always look forward to their questions. I encourage them to ask at least one or two questions each so that everyone will have comprehension about the lesson. Being able to ask a question is indeed a good way in enhancing one’s ability to think critically.

4.They ask good question.

Of course an intelligent person asks a “right” question. It increases an individual’s ability to develop higher order thinking skills.

5. They are open-minded and skeptical at the same time.

They are open to new concepts of views, ideas and suggestion from another individual however they do not accept it on face value which only means that it needs to be backed up with evidences.

6. they are sensitive to other peoples experiences.

It only means that they take time to think first before reacting abruptly onto a certain situation or to a person.


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